The ZOOM Foundation supports the international organizations with which the Zoom biopark has been collaborating for years to carry out conservation and education projects

Many animal species around the planet are highly endangered. The main causes are pollution, poaching and deforestation which destroy the habitats in which the animals live.
Modern zoological parks are becoming an active part of conservation, research and reintroduction programs of animals into the wild. In fact, they are part of a worldwide network, the WAZA (World Association of Zoo and Aquaria), which collaborates among others with the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) and The Nature Conservacy.
The WAZA also provides guidelines for each continent and nation: as in Europe to the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EAZA) or in Italy to the Italian Union of Zoological Gardens and Aquariums (UIZA) .
Conservation today represents an important role of zoological structures, because they host many species at serious risk of extinction, or even already extinct in nature. This mission is mainly carried out in two ways: ex situ and in situ.
In situ conservation is carried out through the protection of individual habitats, the protection of individuals and the reintroduction of species in the various natural areas.
Ex situ conservation is that carried out in zoological structures and takes over in the event that a species is highly threatened or the number of individuals is greatly reduced.
It does not represent an alternative strategy to that in situ, but it is absolutely complementary.
ZOOM Turin, together with other structures belonging to the UIZA (Italian Union of Zoos and Aquariums), has joined the global movement "Reverse the red" born with the aim of contrasting the extinction of animal and plant species on the planet by reversing the decline of those included in the Red List drawn up by the IUCN, the World Union for Conservation of Nature.
The color red, which in common parlance symbolizes danger, is also the color chosen by the IUCN to distinguish the degree of threat of a species. Rhinoceros, lions, tigers, penguins, giraffes and many other species are at risk of extinction and unfortunately their status is characterized by a "red" symbol but despite this it is possible to reverse the red, and there are also many success stories that have led many species to escape from an almost certain fate.
Examples are the Przewalski's horse (Equus ferus), the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) or the Amazon of Puerto Rico (Amazona vittata), species that if today they can tell a different ending they owe it to the effort of the international community whose structures such as ZOOM are also part of it and they dedicate their work to safeguarding Biodiversity.

Organization: Wildcats Conservation Alliance
Organization: Save the Rhino International
International organization for the protection of the rhino.
Project: uMkhuze Smart Park Project
Location: uMkhuze Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Objective: conservation of rhinos in particular in the uMkhuze Game Reserve part of the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, north KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa, a UNESCO heritage site of the areas richest in rhinos.
The money raised allowed them to train and equip The rangers, providing uniforms, equipment and a small patrol and control aircraft to support them. In addition, the funds have allowed to train anti-poaching dog units.
What the Biopark are doing for the rhino's conservation? Find it out on the Save the Rhino's report

Project: Volohasy - Bambù , promoted by the Department of Animal and Human Biology of the University of Turin, supported by UIZA (Italian Union of Zoos and Aquariums)
Location: Maromizaha, Madagascar
Objective: bamboo reforestation for the rainforest of Maromizaha dragon trees to protect the two species of endemic lemur of the area, strictly dependent on the consumption of this vegetable.
Organization : SANCCOB (The Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds).
Project: African Penguins Chick Bolstering
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Objective: Fundraising for the conservation, recovery, rehabilitation of African penguins and education in Cape Town schools to safeguard endangered species.

Project: Red Panda Network Forest Guardian
Location: East India, West Nepal.
Objective: to create the 1st world reserve by protecting a forest corridor between India and Nepal (called PIT, Panchthar - Ilam - Taplejung) extremely important for the conservation of the species. Il 25% of the population is in this area and through the corridor they connect to the populations living in the rest of the country.
Project: Green Viet, Save biodiversity for Vietnam
in collaboration with the Parco Natura Viva, the Arca Foundation and the Pistoia Zoo.
Location: Son Tra Nature Reserve, Da Nang, Vietnam
Objective: The "Raise awareness on the Red Shanked Douc" project aims to increase the knowledge of the local population on the theme of biodiversity in Son Tra, to connect people with nature through targeted educational programs, in order to increase their participation. helping to save Son Tra's biodiversity. Furthermore, the project aims to safeguard the only area of the forest in Vietnam, where the Langur Duka, a monkey at very high risk of extinction, is still present.

The Zoom biopark has for years signed agreements with various national and international universities, offering researchers and students the opportunity to carry out their degree or doctoral thesis at the park. Much of the research carried out has led to scientific publications.