Why walk
if you can fly?
To safeguard the planet and biodiversity, every gesture is important. For this reason, the ZOOM Foundation, in collaboration with the ZOOM biopark, has chosen to inaugurate the Butterfly Oasis and The Dreamers Garden.
A large greenhouse to learn about the biodiversity of butterflies and make a small concrete gesture for the planet: planting a seed in The Dreamer Garden, a garden dedicated to wild pollinators.
Furthermore, by visiting the Butterfly Oasis you become part of a large project dedicated to the environment and future generations: your donation fully supports the experimental research and the Bee ZOOM project carried out by the Zoom Foundation, which operates simultaneously in Botswana - through the implementation of beekeeping and biodiversity education courses for local African communities and promotion of sustainable techniques for the management of natural resources - and in Piedmont - through the census and biomonitoring of pollinators, the sowing of native plant species for their repopulation and redevelopment of the areas.

The Butterfly Oasis is a place where amazement and awareness meet, where you can live a day as a butterfly and discover the genesis that accompanies each caterpillar in its transformation process. A 200m2 tropical greenhouse where you can walk immersed and surrounded by colorful butterflies, discovering one of the most beautiful and fascinating animals on the planet, among many interactive activities and experiences.
The arrival of a journey but also the departure towards a future made of new awareness and small but powerful actions that each of us can do to bring about big changes: just like the beating of a butterfly's wings.

The Butterfly Oasis is immersed in a larger context: the Meraviglia Gardens, a place dedicated to relaxation but also to education and reasoning.
Learn about the consequences of climate change in a large educational playground with sculptures, games and interactive installations. A path of growth and awareness through water, air, earth and fire, to rediscover these powerful yet fragile elements, which create the Planet that hosts us.
Before continuing your journey, take a break of freshness and relaxation: Piazza Darwin is your wellness area, where you can stop, rest, breathe, slow down. Lay out in the shade or choose a lively lemon drink at the Green Bar.