From flower to flower,
biodiversity takes flight
Bee Friends is the new project of the Zoom Foundation which, with the support of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, aims to protect pollinating insects, making a significant impact on the territory and involving local communities.
The Pollinator Garden will be inaugurated in Spring near the ZOOM biopark.
The plants and flowers chosen will create the perfect habitat for insects, which here will find a safe and protected place to reproduce and thrive throughout their life cycle.
The Bee Frieds project is part of the BEE ZOOM research line, which focuses on the conservation of bees and wild pollinators.
Location: Piedmont
Why did we choose this theme?
The park is located in a highly anthropized area, in the middle of agricultural fields. Urban and peri-urban areas often lack suitable habitats for wild pollinators, but well-planned spaces can serve as refuges. And the local population is crucial for change and actions in the area.
The objectives of the project are to reintroduce native plants and promote best practices and educate children in schools and local citizens, in Pollinator Friendly actions
Renaturalization of an area of ​​13,000 m2 near the park, into a habitat for pollinators
Definition of selected local flowering plant species to scale throughout the period of pollinator activity, to support bees and other pollinators over the months, to be planted in the area defined as Pollinator Garden
To date, 14 tall trees, 34 medium trees, 60 shrubs, 452 herbaceous plants selected in collaboration with the University of Turin – Department of Life Sciences and Six Systems Biology have been planted
To date, 3500 m2 of flowerbeds have been set up and made available by the municipalities themselves
The area created, freely usable by the citizens of the Pollinator Garden, was created near the ZOOM Turin biopark, thanks to the active involvement of schools and neighboring municipalities through educational activities and dedicated initiatives.
Organization of educational events at the zoo, in nearby municipalities and in schools: the municipalities of Cumiana, Piscina and Airasca were involved - 15,000 citizens participating
Involvement of 75% of classes in schools - 506 children